
I have been participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. You can check out their Facebook group here. January has 31 days and this Barbra blog has had 31 blog postings including this one! I did it. 

What I discovered is that it’s not that hard to blog everyday. The best time for me to blog is right before getting ready for dinner, or just after dinner. Those are quite times of the day and I can carve that out in my daily routine. It’s been a fun experience and I hope to keep up the regular activity.

Not all the entries are “earth-shattering” but since I love Barbra Streisand a blog called “I Love Barbra” is a pretty easy thing for me to want to write about. I have enjoyed using some of the suggested topics from the group and some posts were my own ideas. It varied.

What lies ahead is my goal of continuing to share my BJS info and collection with other fans and some folks that may not even be fans. There really is not a shortage of topics revolving around Barbra. Movies, music, concerts, books, articles, old boyfriends, awesome photographs from a six decade career.

Please check back occasionally to follow my blogging. I love to read your comments and encourage you do so when you visit. I’ll will be looking forward to the next blog challenge when it comes again. Thanks for reading and stopping by!