I have a friend who makes incredible miniatures. Little scenes or rooms with the props that fit by scale and filled with extraordinary details. She makes all the parts herself. She has so much fun doing it and how lucky that she made a scene for me. This one is very special to me because its a little Barbra Streisand miniature.
In it are Yentl’s glasses, the hat from the album My Name is Barbra Two, A Ticket to a Barbra Streisand Concert, an Album Cover from My Name is Barbra and an autograph. The little box is covered with pictures from Streisand movies and record covers. It is so cool that I had to share it with you.
Vicki Maheu
That’s a great little miniature, if I was to pick one based on a singer, mine would have to be of James Taylor.
My god, this is gorgeous and very precious too. Your friend is a wizard.